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Ivanti Supplemental Terms for the SaaS Offering

In conjunction with Your purchase of a subscription for the SaaS Offering, You agree to these Supplemental Terms for the SaaS Offering which are hereby incorporated into the End User License and Services Agreement between Ivanti and You (the "Agreement"). Ivanti may revise these Supplemental Terms for the SaaS Offering from time to time by publishing such updates at In the event that Ivanti makes any revision that includes a material change to these Supplemental Terms for the SaaS Offering during your subscription term (“Change”), Ivanti shall give you notice of such Change. You shall have thirty (30) days to object to any such Change by written notice to Ivanti, otherwise you agree to accept the Change and incorporate any such Change into the Agreement. If you reject the Change on a reasonable basis, the Parties shall work together in good faith to come to a mutual resolution of the issues. Capitalized terms not defined herein shall have the meaning set forth in the Agreement.


1.1 “Availability Commitment” is defined in Section 5.1, below.

1.2 “Cloud Integration” means a system of tools and technologies that connects Components for the exchange of data and processes within the SaaS Offering. 

1.3 “Credit” means 2% of Monthly Subscription Fees for each .1% below the Availability Commitment, not to exceed 100% of the Monthly Subscription Fees.

1.4 “Customer Data” means information, data, and other content, in any form or medium, that is collected, uploaded, downloaded, or otherwise received, directly or indirectly, from You or a User by or through the SaaS Offering.

1.5 “Downtime” means Total Minutes in the Month during which the SaaS Offering is not available, except for Excluded Downtimes.

1.6 “Excluded Downtime” means the Total Minutes in the Month attributable to (i) Planned Maintenance Downtime for which You have been notified in advance; (ii) unavailability caused by factors outside of Ivanti’s control, such as unpredictable or unforeseeable events that could not have been avoided even if reasonable care had been exercised; (iii) unavailability caused by failure of Your infrastructure or connectivity, computer and telecommunications failures; (iv) unavailability caused by Your or a third party's hardware or software; (v) unavailability caused by acts or omissions by You, Your employees, agents, or contractors, or anyone gaining access to the SaaS Offering by means of Your passwords or equipment; (vi) Your failure to modify Your use of the SaaS Offering after being advised to do so; and/or (vii) degradation in any integrations to the SaaS Offering.

1.7 “Maintenance Release” means an update, upgrade, patch, bug fix and new release or version of the SaaS Offering.

1.8 “Month” means a calendar month.

1.9 “Monthly Subscription Fees” means one-twelfth (1/12) of the annual subscription fees paid or payable for the applicable SaaS Offering (i.e., the particular SaaS Offering that did not meet the Availability Commitment).

1.10 “Monthly Uptime Percentage” is calculated and defined as ((Total Minutes in the Month – Excluded Downtime – Downtime)/(Total Minutes in the Month – Excluded Downtime))*100.

1.11 “Planned Maintenance Downtime” means the time during which the SaaS Offering is unavailable so that Ivanti or its hosting provider can perform maintenance and upgrades.

1.12 “Total Minutes in the Month” means the total minutes in an applicable Month, which is calculated by multiplying 60 (number of minutes in an hour) by 24 (number of hours in a day) and then multiplying that total by the number of days during the appliable Month. 

2. ACCESS. Ivanti hereby grants to You a non-exclusive, non-transferable right to access and use the features and functions of the applicable SaaS Offering consistent with the subscription You purchased and paid for. If You exceed the usage limits of the subscription purchased, you will incur additional fees for such excess usage. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, You may not decrease your subscription to the SaaS Offering within any Initial Term or Renewal Term. You will use commercially reasonable efforts to prevent unauthorized access to, or use of, the SaaS Offering, and notify Ivanti promptly of any such unauthorized use known to You. If You provide access to the SaaS Offering to any third party, then You agree Ivanti shall not be responsible or have any liability for a data breach resulting from such third party access.


3.1 Ownership. As between You and Ivanti, You retain all right, title and interest in and to the Customer Data. Ivanti acknowledges that it neither owns nor acquires any additional rights in and to the Customer Data not expressly granted by the Agreement.

3.2 Responsibility for Customer Data and Security. You are responsible for all changes to and/or deletions of Customer Data and the security of all passwords and other access protocols required in order to access the SaaS Offering and are solely responsible for the accuracy, quality, integrity, legality, reliability, and appropriateness of all Customer Data. You shall procure all rights and privileges to obtain and transfer Customer Data to Ivanti under the terms of the Agreement. Your provision of such Customer Data to Ivanti shall be in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations, including but not limited to all privacy laws and regulations. You may not, and shall ensure Your Users do not, submit the following types of information to the SaaS Offering: (i) government identification numbers or financial account numbers associated with individual persons (e.g. U.S. Social Security numbers, national insurance numbers, driver's license numbers, or personal credit card or banking account numbers), (ii) medical records or health care claim information associated with individuals, including claims for payment or reimbursement for any type of medical care for an individual, (iii) information regulated under the International Traffic in Arms Regulations, (iv) technical data restricted under applicable laws, and (v) data designated as “sensitive” or “special category” or the like requiring extra protective measures under the applicable data protection laws and regulations without the express written consent of Ivanti. You agree that the use of any such Customer Data is at Your discretion and incidental to the use of the SaaS Offering. You represent and warrant that You own or otherwise have sufficient rights or consents to grant Ivanti access to and use of the Customer Data in accordance with the terms of the Agreement.

3.3 License. You hereby grant to Ivanti a royalty-free, fully-paid, non-exclusive, non-transferable, worldwide right and license to use Customer Data (i) during the Initial Term and any applicable Renewal Term of the Agreement (collectively, the “Term”), for the limited purpose of performing Ivanti's obligations under the Agreement, and (ii) during and after the Term, as provided in Section 3.4 below.

3.4. Data Analyses. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, You agree that Ivanti may use Customer Data to create analyses utilizing Customer Data and information derived from Your use of the SaaS Offering, as set forth below (“Analyses”). Analyses will de-identify and aggregate information and will be owned by Ivanti.  Analyses may be used for the following purposes: (i) product improvement (including product features and functionality, workflows and user interfaces) and development of new Ivanti products and services, (ii) improving resource allocation and support, (iii) internal demand planning, (iv) training and developing machine learning algorithms, (v) improving product performance, (vi) verification of security and data integrity, (vii) identification of industry trends and developments, (viii) developing and recommending insights to You and other customers; (viii) create anonymous profiles; (ix) creation of indices and anonymous benchmarking; and/or (x) for generally improving Ivanti’s products and services.

3.5 Location. During the Term, You may request that all Customer Data and Your instance of the SaaS Offering be moved to a different hosting location offered by Ivanti for valid business purposes. Any such migration shall be accompanied by a fee of no less than twenty-five percent (25%) of the SaaS Offering for the Term.

3.6 Data Center Linkage. During the Term, You may provide instruction to Ivanti to link the Ivanti data centers where Ivanti is hosting Your data. By providing this instruction, You understand that, while the location of your SaaS Offering instance will remain in its designated hosting location, linking of the data centers shall result in cross-border transfer of Your data which may involve processing of such data by some or all of Ivanti’s sub-processors listed at, including subsequent Support and Maintenance Services.

4. CUSTOMER RESPONSIBILITIES. You shall not use the SaaS Offering to: (i) send any form of duplicative and unsolicited messages; (ii) harvest, collect, gather or assemble information or data regarding other users without their consent; (iii) transmit through or post on the SaaS Offering unlawful, immoral, libelous, tortious, infringing, defamatory, threatening, vulgar, or obscene material or material harmful to minors; (iv) transmit material containing software viruses or other harmful or deleterious computer code, files, scripts, agents, or programs; (v) interfere with or disrupt the integrity or performance of the SaaS Offering or the data contained therein; (vii) attempt to gain unauthorized access to the SaaS Offering, computer systems or networks related to the SaaS Offering; or (viii) interfere with another customer’s use and enjoyment of the SaaS Offering.


5.1 Availability.  Monthly Uptime Percentage will be at least 99.9% (the “Availability Commitment”).

5.2 Reporting. If You believe Ivanti has not met the Monthly Uptime Percentage, You shall notify Ivanti upon discovery of the unavailability so that Ivanti can confirm and determine the cause of the unavailability. As part of the notification, You shall provide (i) Your name and contact information; (ii) beginning time of the outage; (iii) a description of the characteristics of the outage; (iv) end user location; (v) URL(s) affected; (vi) the internet service provider used to access the SaaS Offering; (vii) network traceroutes; and (viii) any attempts You made to resolve the outage.

5.3 Planned Maintenance Downtime. Planned Maintenance Downtime shall generally not exceed four (4) hours per calendar quarter, except as set forth in Section 11. However, in the exceptional case that Planned Maintenance Downtime will exceed four (4) hours per calendar quarter, Ivanti shall give You advance notice by e-mail or text message to the e-mail address or phone number provided by You. Ivanti will schedule Planned Maintenance Downtime between 8:00 pm to midnight of the local time zone in which the data centers are located, as much as practicable.

5.4 Service Credits. If Ivanti fails to meet the Availability Commitment for a particular Month, Your sole and exclusive remedy shall be to claim a Credit, which may only (i) be used to extend the SaaS Offering at the end of the applicable subscription term, or (ii) be applied to a future invoice relating to the SaaS Offering that did not meet the Availability Commitment Claims for a Credit must be made in good faith and through a documented submission of a support case within five (5) business days after the end of the relevant Month in which Ivanti did not meet the Availability Commitment for the SaaS Offering. Within thirty (30) days of Your claim for a Credit, Ivanti will either deny the request or issue a credit memo acknowledging the credit or extension. The terms of this section relating to Credits constitute a genuine pre-estimate of the loss or damage that You might suffer as a result of any failure to meet the Availability SLA for the SaaS Offering and are adequate compensation for any loss or damage caused by any failure to meet the Availability SLA for the SaaS Offering. Availability will be calculated using Ivanti’s system logs and other records.

5.5   Termination. If the Monthly Uptime Percentage of the SaaS Offering is less than 98.0% for three (3) consecutive months, You may terminate the SaaS Offering and receive a pro rata refund of any prepaid but unused SaaS Offering fee.

6. SUPPORT AND MAINTENANCE. Standard Support and Maintenance Services are included as part of the SaaS Offering and are subject to Ivanti’s published Support Terms and response times provided therein Updates are provided to You as part of the Support and Maintenance Services. Ivanti reserves the right to determine how and when to develop and apply any Updates to the SaaS Offering.

7. BACKUP AND DISASTER RECOVERY.  Ivanti provides disaster recover services, which are audited on an annual basis. In the event of a disaster affecting a SaaS Offering, all requests to the primary data center will reroute to the disaster recovery site (“DRS”) within six (6) hours. This rerouting obligation is for the core service management application only.  

8. STORAGE. The SaaS Offering for Customer Data includes one (1) terabyte of storage. Additional storage can be purchased separately from Ivanti or through your Reseller.

9. RETURN OF CUSTOMER DATA. After termination or expiration of the Agreement or the subscription for the SaaS Offering, upon Your written request, Ivanti will provide Customer Data stored in the SaaS Offering to You in Ivanti’s standard database export format. You must submit such request to Ivanti within thirty (30) days after termination or expiration of this Agreement or the subscription for the SaaS Offering. Ivanti is not obligated to maintain or provide any Customer Data after such 30-day period and will, unless legally prohibited, delete all Customer Data in its systems or otherwise in its possession or under its control, and delete Your instances of the SaaS Offering.

10.  COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS. Ivanti will comply with all laws applicable to its provision under the Agreement of the SaaS Offering(s), including those applicable to privacy and security of personal information (including mandatory trans-border data transfers and mandatory data breach notification requirements) (collectively “Applicable Laws”), but excluding laws specifically applicable to You and Your industry that are not generally applicable to information technology service providers regardless of industry. You will comply with all laws applicable to Your use of the SaaS Offering(s), including those applicable to collection and processing of Customer Data in Ivanti systems through the SaaS Offering(s). You agree to provide any required disclosures to and obtain any required consents for the transfer of Customer Data to Ivanti.

11. CHERWELL HOSTING. Planned Maintenance Downtime for Cherwell products shall generally not exceed six (6) hours per month. You agree that You will not be able to decline critical security patches and updates determined in Ivanti’s sole discretion. You are responsible for applying Maintenance Releases to any locally installed portion of the SaaS Offering. You must install the Cherwell Administration module on a local computer in order to administer Your installation of the SaaS Offering, but You will not have direct access to the hosted environment for security reasons, except via the Cherwell Service Management applications. You may not install the Server portion of the SaaS Offering on Your own systems or premises for use in a production environment.  You may (i) access the SaaS Offering in a “smart client” environment and install the Client portion of the SaaS Offering on Your end-user computers or (ii) You may access the SaaS Offering in a “browser client” environment without installing the Client portion of the SaaS Offering on Your end-user computers.

12. SURVIVAL. The provisions of Sections 2 and 3 will survive the termination of these Supplemental Terms for the SaaS Offering.