What’s New with Email+ 2.x?
27. Januar 2021
We invite you to listen to our on-demand video,
What’s New with MobileIron Email+ 2.x EOL and Transition to Email+ 3.x
MobileIron Email+ is a cross-platform, secure PIM application for iOS and Android. Ivanti announced the June 30, 2021 as the end-of-life date for the MobileIron Email+ 2.x for Android. Customers using Email+ v2.x for Android are recommended to complete the transition to the latest Email+ v3.x, which is the latest version of Android and does not need any additional purchase. With Q3 2020 release, Email+ 3.x for Android includes all the features, which are considered salient in Email+ 2.x. No new features will be added to Email+ 2.x for Android. In this video we will cover some information and practices which will help the transition.