Many companies can't say that they have an employee who is a published author, let alone a former rocket scientist. We can.

His name is Kevin J. Smith and his book is available on Amazon: The Practical Guide To World-Class IT Service Management.

As for the part about him being a rocket scientist, you'll have to listen to the podcast to hear what that's all about.

Fast facts about Kevin J. Smith:

  • His official title is Senior VP of Strategic Initiatives. This means (in his own words) that he works on whatever sounds really cool and runs away from everything else.
  • His favorite movie is Forrest Gump.
  • Sports played in high school: basketball and baseball.
  • Favorite song is Brandy by The Looking Glass.
  • Favorite TV show growing up was M*A*S*H. In college, he had it timed with his roommates that if they got home from class and ate dinner in six minutes, they could watch three episodes in a row.
  • He did not like math or chemistry but went to school for chemical engineering.

Career highlights:

  • Worked for NASA in a department called Environmental Control and Life Support System, which ensures astronauts have plenty of water and air to breathe.
  • Went to work for Manugistics.
  • Worked for a Colorado software company called Front Range 15 years ago.
  • Worked for HEAT Software.

Here are some of the questions Kevin answers in this episode:

  • What made you move from NASA to the private sector?
  • How did you become one of the industry's top ITSM experts?
  • How many clients do you visit a month or a quarter?
  • What are some common problems that you see with your clients?

And much more!

Listen to the full podcast wherever you listen to podcasts:

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