The ICYMI Weekly Round-Up: December 18–29, 2017
Greetings. In case you were wondering, “ICYMI” is short for “in case you missed it.” And this is a digest of recent news, events, and content in and around Ivanti and We hope you find it both interesting and useful. Let us know via email to [email protected]. Thanks, and Happy New Year!
This Week’s Big News: Cybersecurity Challenges and Opportunities in 2018!
As mentioned below, the good folks at EY have published their latest Global Information Security Study. You can read the blog post for details, but here are a few findings you might find disturbing – and uncomfortably familiar.
- “75% of respondents rate the maturity of their vulnerability identification as very low to moderate.”
- “38% have no identity and access program or have not formally agreed such a program.”
- “35% describe their data protection policies as ad-hoc or non-existent.”
- “12% have no breach detection program in place.” Yet the same percentage of respondents “feel it is very likely they would detect a sophisticated cyber attack.”
- “89% say their cybersecurity function does not fully meet their organization’s needs.”
- “Only 4% of organizations are confident that they have fully considered the information security implications of their current strategy, and that their risk landscape incorporates and monitors relevant cyber threats, vulnerabilities and risks.”
So how does your organization compare? Whatever your cybersecurity status, experts at Ivanti and elsewhere agree. An intensified focus on basics, such as patch, application, and privilege management, can do much to make your enterprise more secure and resistant to threats.
Read more about the EY survey in our Dec. 28, 2017 Threat Thursday Update. Grab a complimentary copy of the complete EY survey to peruse and share with your colleagues and bosses. Review our security blog posts for more specific guidance on how to improve cybersecurity at your enterprise. Then, check out how our solutions can help you with patch management for your servers and applications, control of your users’ applications and privileges, and your abilities to resist and recover from malware attacks. Resolve to make 2018 the year you and Ivanti get your enterprise closer to truly effective defense in depth, and to The Power of Unified IT™.
Recent Blog Posts
- IT Stories You Won’t Believe Actually Happened – customers share stories you may find hard to believe – unless you’ve experienced similar things yourself.
- Security Risk: How Old Software Might Be Hurting Your Organization – Ivanti IT Asset Management (ITAM) Evangelist Patricia Adams explains why it might be time to retire those copies of Windows 7 you’re still running.
- Insights into Android Supply Chain Management – Ivanti Senior Product Marketing Manager Rob DeStefano discusses why supply chain managers are moving to Android, how that shift may affect their device management, and how Ivanti can help.
- Podcast Recap: Why You’ll Be Using Blockchain to Buy a House One Day, and Disney Buys the Simpsons – a fascinating discussion with the CEO and COO of Stockchain Global, a company focused on using blockchain technologies to flatten and simplify complex financial transactions.
- Here’s What Our Customers Want From Santa This Year – Ivanti Marketing Specialist (and social media doyenne) Ashtyn Creel collects and shares what several Ivanti customers really want(ed) for Christmas.
- The 12 Beers of Christmas: 2017 Edition – Ivanti Product Management Director (and craft beer enthusiast) Chris Goettl extends his annual tradition to include recommendations from Ivanti customers.
- The Ivanti Threat Thursday Update for December 21, 2017: More Shopping and Password Threats! – almost 20,000 fake shopping sites in Japan, plus more evidence that users should not be allowed to create their own online passwords. (“Starwars,” anyone? Sadly, yes.)
- Podcast Recap: IT Stories, plus 10 More of Our Best Stories – more great, nearly unbelievable IT stories from Ivanti customers.
- The Ivanti Threat Thursday Update for December 28, 2017: Old and New Challenges for a New Year – highlights (and lowlights) from EY’s latest Global Information Security Survey.
Coming Up This Week
No major events on the calendar for this week, but several cool webinars are coming next week, including our monthly take on Patch Tuesday. Details in next week’s ICYMI Update. Meanwhile, check the Ivanti Events Calendar for more details and updates, and make sure to share with your colleagues.