The ICYMI Weekly Round-Up: November 13–24, 2017
Greetings. In case you were wondering, “ICYMI” is short for “in case you missed it.” And because of last week’s Thanksgiving holiday in the U.S., this is a special, two-week digest of recent news, events, and content in and around Ivanti and We hope you find it both interesting and useful. Let us know via email to [email protected] – and thanks!
This Week’s Big News: It’s in the Warehouse!
If your company manufactures or sells almost anything, there’s a warehouse that stands at the nexus of supply, demand, and customer satisfaction. Yet in far too many cases, the technologies that determine the efficiency and effectiveness of that warehouse’s operations are outmoded, inadequate, scheduled to be discontinued by their vendors, or all of the above.
Fortunately, as you’ll see in several of the blog posts mentioned below, there are ways to modernize those technologies and the operations they support without having to “rip and replace” incumbent tools, processes, or people. Check out those posts, as well as Ivanti’s solutions for migrating old apps to new platforms, improving employee efficiency with voice enablement, comprehensive device management, and more. You’ll soon see that The Power of Unified IT™ extends beyond your organization’s offices and remote knowledge workers.
Recent Blog Posts
- Mobility Opens Up Warehouse-Improvement Opportunities – get your warehouse up to speed by getting your warehouse employees moving with modern technologies.
- Securing Your Company’s Digital Footprint – timely thoughts from guest blogger and cybersecurity expert Scott Schober.
- Top 5 Healthcare IT Challenges: Webinar Recap – two healthcare IT leaders discuss how they are meeting the top challenges facing their industry today.
- November Patch Tuesday 2017 – our monthly update of the latest vulnerabilities and updates released to address them, from Microsoft and other leading vendors.
- Migration to Modern Mobile Platforms – how to transform the user experience for your warehouse workers, one app at a time.
- Essential Guidance for Supply Chain Executives – exploring how to overcome the disconnect separating those who want modern, mobile warehouse applications and the executives who approve such investments.
- The Ivanti Threat Thursday Update for November 16, 2017: It Only Takes One Opening… – weak passwords, online account hijacking, and a possible breach at a major retailer.
- Efficiency Quick-Wins Stem from Warehouse Evolution vs. Revolution – insights from a webinar on warehouse efficiencies hosted by Ivanti and VDC Research Group.
- Podcast Recap: The Inside Story from IT Security Consultant Pete Green – highlights from a podcast featuring Peter Green, Enterprise Information Security and Risk Management Professional at Forsythe Technology.
- Simplifying and Benefiting from App Migration – useful guidance from a recent survey conducted by VDC Research Group.
- Industrial Browsers to the Rescue! – more helpful recommendations from VDC Research about modern warehouse technologies.
- Taking the Awesome Audit from Myth to Reality – ideas for making the truth match the hype about how painless compliance audits can be.
- 7 Essential Real-World Security Questions to Ask Today (Pt. 1 of 2) – questions 1 through 4.
- 7 Essential Real-World Security Questions to Ask Today (Pt. 2 of 2) – questions 5 through 7.
- The Ivanti Threat Wednesday Update for November 22, 2017: If You’re Secure, Be Grateful – Intel chips at risk, and Uber reports a breach – from last year.
- Ivanti Snags Homeland Security Award – Ivanti Identity Director chosen Best Identity Management Solution by American Security Today.
Coming Up This Week
On Nov. 29, Ivanti will be at the Cyber Security - Oil, Gas and Power conference in London, UK (through Nov. 30). We’ll also be hosting the ITSM Exchange in Kansas City, KS, and at the Los Angeles Cyber Summit trade show in Beverly Hills, CA. On Nov. 30, Ivanti will be at the UK Citrix User Group confab in London, UK, and at the Infosec Manchester seminar in Manchester, UK.
We hope to see and talk with you at one or more of these events, in person or online. Make sure to share these opportunities with your colleagues, and to check the Ivanti Events Calendar for more details and updates.