As you may know, October was National Cybersecurity Awareness month. We decided to ramp up our security presence on the blog by asking our experts to contribute posts about security. The content we gathered was so informative and enjoyable to read that we wanted to bring it all together into one post.

Want to Increase Your Security? Start Thinking Like a Hacker 

Author: Todd Schell

When it comes to IT security, Ivanti strongly supports the defense-in-depth strategy by providing products that underpin the Center for Internet Security (CIS) basic controls. The first and second CIS basic controls are 1) Inventory and Control of Hardware Assets, and 2) Inventory and Control of Software Assets. Device control provides direct enforcement of these controls yet is often overshadowed by patch and application control technologies...

Cybersecurity in a Consumer IoT World: Why Should I Be Worried? 

​​Author: Robin Rowe

I’m a self-confessed geek and early adopter of new tech (when I can convince my long-suffering wife of its merits). Home automation has been something of a recent hobby. When cooking, I can set a timer with my voice. When the countdown elapses, it triggers an audible alarm and the Wi-Fi light bulbs in my house will flash. If I fail to notice these, at some point the smart smoke alarms will send a notification to my smart watch to indicate that my dinner is on fire. I can then invoke plan B and order takeaway using my voice via my digital assistant...

"Are We Secure?" Critical Insights From Ivanti CISO Phil Richards 

​Author: Phil Richards

The question “Are we secure?” strikes fear and dread into the heart of every CISO, whose initial gut reaction is to respond, “Well, that’s a complicated question.” The reason it’s complicated is because security is never really “done.”...

Security and ITSM: A Dynamic Duo of IT

Author: Kevin J. Smith

Throughout the rich history of IT, the elements of Security and IT Service Management have been front and center in our daily operations. The mission of securing and managing IT infrastructure and assets while delivering services is timeless—and will continue to be at the heart of the IT strategy and agenda for many years to come...

Application Control – Are We There Yet?

Author: David Murray

Every now and again, a technology comes along that just makes sense and you wonder how you ever got by without it.​..

October Patch Tuesday 2018

Author: Todd Schell

Microsoft has given us a ‘Fall Break’ this October with a very light set of updates. We have one zero-day vulnerability and one publicly disclosed vulnerability and NO security updates for Adobe Flash this month... a break indeed!​

To Encrypt or Not to Encrypt, that Is the Question

Author: Kaleb Knobel

Encrypting has been a problem faced by every IT team. It’s been around so long even Shakespeare wrote about it! From dealing with the complaints from Sales that you slowed down their demo boxes, to having to enter the Recovery Key for George for the umpteenth time, we all ask ourselves if encrypting our machines is worth it.​..

Operational IT and Security – Breaking the Siloed Approach

Author: Eran Livne

Encrypting has been a problem faced by every IT team. It’s been around so long even Shakespeare wrote about it! From dealing with the complaints from Sales that you slowed down their demo boxes, to having to enter the Recovery Key for George for the umpteenth time, we all ask ourselves if encrypting our machines is worth it.​..

ITAM and Endpoint Security: You Can’t Manage, Secure, and Effectively Defend Against What You Don’t Know You Have

Author: Mareike Fondufe

IT Asset Management (ITAM) is inextricably linked to endpoint security. In fact, as shown below, the first two of the Center for Internet Security’s Top 5 Critical Security Controls emphasize just how crucial it is to understand what devices you have and what software is running on them...

Facebook Single Sign-On Equals Internet Headache

Author: Kaleb Knobel

Reports came out recently that, once again, Facebook has been breached. Hackers were able to take over the accounts of at least 50 million users. As this Wired article points out, it wasn’t passwords that were hacked, but access tokens...

How Can I Protect You in This Crazy World?

Author: Kaleb Knobel

Reports came out recently that, once again, Facebook has been breached. Hackers were able to take over the accounts of at least 50 million users. As this Wired article points out, it wasn’t passwords that were hacked, but access tokens...

October Patch Tuesday Frequently Asked Questions

Author: Brian Secrist

In our October edition of our monthly Patch Tuesday analysis webinar, we recapped Microsoft and third-party security patches released on Patch Tuesday. If you missed it, you can watch here..

Endpoint Security Concerns: Move Your Desktops Back Inside the "Castle Walls"

Author: Simon Townsend

Protecting endpoints, your users, and your data is becoming increasingly more difficult. And with a more mobile workforce that’s working outside the walls of the corporate office, protecting and detecting threats and criminal activity are real challenges for both the InfoSec and desktop engineering teams...

Hounded by Cyber Security?

Author: Robin Rowe

I recently became a dog owner for the first time. Luna is a border collie, and typical for the breed she has limitless energy and needs big walks to be healthy and happy...

Device Control – An Often-Overlooked Technology

Author: Todd Schell

Basic device control typically provides management of physical components that can be connected to a workstation, server, or mobile system such as a laptop.​..

Save the Fitbit Steps—Isolate and Remediate Ransomware / Malware Automatically

Author: Adam Smith

On a recent Ivanti Interchange IT podcast, during our IT Leadership Summit, we talked a lot about automation. It seemed like this theme of automation came up again and again, enough so, that perhaps we could have automated it...

Safeguarding Forests—and IT—Falls to All of Us

Author: Rex McMillan

Just like the Forest Service, IT depends on the behavior of users to maintain a safe environment...

Managing Your IT Security With One Multi-Layered Approach

Author: James Ley

As the prevalence of directed cyber-attacks increase at an exponential rate, it has never been more important to monitor your IT security defenc8019654437es, effectiveness and policies in real time...

State of the Union on Security: The Rise of Nation-State Activities, Pt. 1 of 3

Author: Chris Goettl

One of the growing trends in the cyber security space is the rise of nation-state activities—and the accompanying level of sophistication in the tools intended for national cyber espionage and warfare...

State of the Union on Security: SamSam Attacks and the Need to Prioritize Risks, Pt. 2 of 3

Author: Chris Goettl

SamSam is also a fairly recent evolution in ransomware. It emerged onto the market only a couple of years ago and executing attacks have become very effective.​..

State of the Union on Security: The Framework of CIS Critical Security Controls, Pt. 3 of 3

Author: Chris Goettl

One of the ways we help customers focus on their security challenges is through the Center for Internet Security (CIS) critical security controls framework...