New Year's Resolutions From Ivanti's Twitter Followers
Well, we're two weeks into the new year, which means we're two weeks into our New Year's resolutions. Gyms are bursting with new members, bookstores are running out of the classics, and organic broccoli is flying off the shelves at an alarming rate.
In other words, it's January.
We asked our Twitter followers what their resolutions were this year, and we received a ton of responses. So just in case you need some ideas along the lines of "new year, new me," or "how to make this your year," and other clichés, read on.
My new year's resolution is to not make a resolution. Easy to keep.
— DJ (@GAShatterstorm) January 7, 2019
The logic here is sound.
My new year's resolution is sleep more.
— Doug Nelson (@manof100names) January 3, 2019
A resolution we're all dreaming about.
My new year's resolution is to see more of the world!
— Dennis Jungschläger (@dennisj222) January 3, 2019
There is a lot to see!
My new year's resolution is get fit, build an ITSM beast and finish the things I resolved to do in 2018
— Martin Putwain (@mrputwain) January 4, 2019
Here's a page to help you build your ITSM beast.
My new year's resolution is to relax more and be centered.
— Grimnash (@Grimnash) January 3, 2019
You don't need to become a monk to enjoy the benefts of meditation. (But if becoming a monk is one of your resolutions, go hard!)
My new year's resolution is to build a larger customer base.
— Chasing Vapes (@Chasing_Vapes) January 8, 2019
Chase those customers like you chase vapes and you will be in good shape!
My new year's resolution is to have a better year than 2018
— Jayden Thuringer (@jthuringer) January 8, 2019
Last year took a toll on many of us. We could slip into a coma for nine months and still have a better year than 2018.
To run 500 miles over 2019 including two half marathons and a 24 hour team endurance race and to start learning to play the piano.
— Jo-Anne (@JoAnneSnowden) January 4, 2019
Elvis Goes Boogying Down Fremont. That's what my piano teacher told me to remember when memorizing the lines of the treble clef. You're welcome.
My new year's resolution is to get Xtraction implemented, and continue to drive value from our investment in ITSM.
— Michael Majeres (@Rdrnnr_Rox) January 2, 2019
Check out our Xtraction and ITSM solutions.
My new year's resolution is to not have any. We should focus on what we can do today to be better spouses, employees, friends, humans, than to worry about how we can improve our own lives. So maybe the resolution is to just be aware of other's needs first.
— Adam Howard (@adamhoward92) January 2, 2019
Mic. drop.
My new year's resolution is automate IT!
— † Koz4Christ (@koz4christ) January 3, 2019
We're so glad you brought this up because Ivanti Automation can help you do that.
My new year's resolution is to eat more cheese
— Black Ryan (@cecilb666) January 9, 2019
This is one of the most honest and respectable resolutions of this whole thread.
My new year's resolution is more family dinners during the week
— Ryan Mahon (@RyanDMahon) January 4, 2019
Breaking bread around the dinner table is a dying art. KEEP IT ALIVE, RYAN!
My new year's resolution is to get Pick 2
— Jason Lesko (@1EarEngineer) January 3, 2019
Check out this page for more information on Pick 2.
And last, but definitely not least...
I've asked my Product Marketing team to have this as their 2019 resolution...
— Melanie Karunaratne (@melkarunaratne) January 4, 2019