*This post originally appeared on the AppSense blog prior to the rebrand in January 2017, when AppSense, LANDESK, Shavlik, Wavelink, and HEAT Software merged under the new name Ivanti.

Today’s enterprise environments are more complex than ever. Promising technologies like virtual desktops and desktops as a service have emerged, and mobile device use is exploding.  But, at the same time, physical PCs are here to stay.

Hybrid computing environments are the new reality.

Enterprise IT success today has little to do with what technologies you are using and everything to do with how good you are at bringing disparate technologies together -- in a way that’s efficient for both users and IT.

An end-to-end user environment management (UEM) solution can help:

    • Preserve day-to-day IT efficiency as the challenges multiply and expand
    • Maintain security and compliance
    • Keep the workspace available and responsive

This last bullet is particularly important since IT projects succeed or fail based on user acceptance. And a positive user experience will drive increased motivation, productivity and return on investment.  This was the subject of our webinar “The Economic Impacts of Satisfying Users” with guest speaker David K. Johnson, Principal Analyst, Forrester Research, Inc.


Alan DeBaene, Systems Administrator, Lands’ End, shared a similar viewpoint how an end-to-end UEM solution from AppSense helped Optimize User Experience and Productivity during a recent TechSense webinar. Because of AppSense’s just-in-time approach to delivering profiles and policy, his users no longer need to wait for pieces of their environment to load that they don’t need. And regardless of the mix of physical or virtual devices, the user experience is consistent, personalized and productive.


Still not convinced?  Check out the brief 6 Reasons to Get User Experience Right or talk to an AppSense Pro to see how we can help your organization increase user productivity and IT efficiency.