The 2021 Secure Consumer Cyber Report provides one of the industry’s most comprehensive studies about the shift in consumer behavior as a result of increased work-from-home initiatives. With the influx of unsecured personal devices and high-risk employee behavior, what does the threat landscape look like today? The newly released report found that, with the dramatic increase in remote work due to the pandemic, the threat to enterprise data is higher than ever. This is largely due to the lack of fundamental security protocols on home-based IoT devices and networks as well as personal devices used for work. However, there is good news as the report outlines what companies can do today to reduce risk factors and protect their organization.

Key takeaways from the report include:

  • The cybersecurity gap is widening due to risky consumer behavior and the lack of enterprise-level security on remote work devices, even those owned by the company.
  • As many as one in four consumers are reusing company passwords to access personal websites and apps.
  • Companies need a consistent way to enforce acceptable use policies, including the use of multifactor authentication, device protections, and secure network connectivity — without impacting employee productivity at home.
  • A zero trust security strategy can help shore up these security lapses by eliminating passwords and validating every user, device, app, and network before greenlighting access to enterprise resources.

The dramatic expansion of the remote workforce in 2020 significantly expanded the enterprise attack surface. As a result, organizations have struggled to maintain secure business continuity across a vast range of personal and corporate-owned devices, apps, and networks. The upside is that industry leaders like Ivanti are here to work with organizations to create a secure and productive Everywhere Workplace environment.

Get the full details by downloading the 2021 Secure Consumer Cyber Report.

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