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Service Management

Ivanti Neurons for ITSM - Easy to make it fit your organisation requirements!

We have had a superb experience of implementing and Business as usual of this product. The product is so functional and so very configurable. It can be tweaked to fit your organisation. It allows great integration with other products we take information from to get the best for our customers. You can write your own processes and build them from scratch within the product. For example, you do get out of the box processes, however, we wanted a Continual Service Improvement process, which we wrote as a process and had our development team implement into the system. You can learn the product and be able to alter it yourselves, without the cost of multiple sessions of consultation time from the vendor. We utilise Microsoft Business Intelligence for all of our reporting, and it was a seamless integration into our ITSM product.
Head of ICT Support Services
Service Management

Great tool for IT service management.

Workflow automation allows ease of profit making by reducing the time taken to perform the process of performing repetitive processes which require a lot of time to perform the same thing for the more given time. The easiest way to achieve meeting IT business and basic needs is using this solution since it can easily adapt to specific business needs and customization in any business environment for better running of our company. Allows for non-coders to configure workflows and schedule day to day business flow.
IT Security and Risk Management Associate
Service Management

Improving User Experience with Enhanced Service Management Features.

Our organisation's experience with Ivanti Neuron for ITSM has been positive providing effective IT service management with flexibility, scalability and automation options. Moreover, it is cost effective compared to other alternate platforms and quite easy to implement." "With Ivanti Neuron for ITSM we can centrally view all our IT infrastructure and services. The platform being Cloud based SaaS model reduces the management efforts for our staff. Moreover, it provides us efficient analysis of the performance and has great reporting options.
Finance Manager
Service Management

Amazing product, highly recommended by all of our users

Ease of implantation, fantastic knowledge base, and a community that goes the extra mile to help each other. We have been able to easily modify the out-of-the-box (OOTB) processes and create over 20 custom processes. Integrate with over 12 systems and increase our zero-touch to 14%. New features are added quarterly, including the most recent AI features, at no extra cost.
Software Developer
Service Management
IT Services

That One in All IT asset management solution

With Ivanti Neurons for ITAM, you manage all your IT assets from any location globally using a mobile app. This has helped with asset accountability without moving to the main office thus saving time and resources. This product has also assisted with management of full asset lifecycle such as lifecycle tracking which gives us a complete view of our assets from procurement till its final stage of disposal. It has been an awesome experience using this product.
IT Associate
Service Management
IT Services

Consistent and Accurate Digital Assets Navigation and Control

The program is well designed to consolidate, manage and closely track the digital asset data for our organization, offering individual performance for each tool. Besides, the software brings efficiency and reduce overspending, where only the appropriate digital assets that companies focus with and the actual productivity of each assets is well pictured. The financial risks in a firm are also highly eliminated, as only the appropriate assets that are acquired in a firm, and security measures are constantly employed." "The tracking and configuring of all the digital assets offers an actionable insight of all the assets that the firm has and individual benefits to eliminate the possibility of overspending. The mobility of Ivanti Neurons for ITAM makes the company remotely track and oversee their digital assets. The constant reduction of risks, where threat detecting machines and measures are including in the package.
Marketing Associate
Service Management
IT Services

Limitless Digital Assets Support from Ivanti Neurons

"This is the concise and accurate inventory for managing every firm's digital solutions/assets, and tracking its individual performance compared to the production costs. This information is updated and tracked in real time, and this makes firms to reduce expenses and have actionable insights for the assets they already own. The connection with other useful data sources to bring a unified management is also a supportive part of this software, and it makes the decision process factual and reliable." "The accessibility of real time and accurate data for digital assets, and this supports productivity and future planning. The manageability and cost optimization, where the added digital assets in a company are the one with potential to increase productivity. The proactive nature of providing accurate and real-time insights on the available digital assets for easy decision making activity in an organization.
IT Security and Risk Management Associate
Service Management
IT Services

A reliable manager for all your IT assets

With Ivanti Neurons for ITAM, we manage all our IT assets and it also helps to care for our assets from the time of purchase or hire to their disposal. This means it helps us understand the status of our IT assets from the time they are purchased till they are disposed. This has helped us in boosting our productivity through reduction of maintenance costs while maximizing use of assets." "It has helped in the reduction of maintenance costs through effective discovery of the hardware that requires to be changed, updated or maintained in time. It has also assisted in detection of assets through the inventory and discovery of new buys combined with existing software and hardware such that we are aware of what we own and also its origins. You can manage all your assets from any location and at any time.
IT Associate
Service Management

The Considerate and Useful Program for Managing Digital Assets

This is an in-depth asset inventory solution, that accounts and track every digital commodity that a company owns, and the possible benefits it brings. Further, it consistently evaluates the individual performance of every digital assets, and offer an automatic report concerning the potential the program has. The program connects with various data source, that helps companies to obtain the exact picture of or image of the assets, and decide on how to improve them." "Ivanti Neurons acts as the single source of truth, in managing and offering information concerning the digital assets. Further, the aspect of cost optimization is captured when using the program, where the investment decision to acquire any digital assets is well considered. The maintenance of high digital assets productivity is another part, that allows companies to increase on their efficiency as only the appropriate assets are acquired and maintained.
Operations Associate
Service Management
IT Services

Significant and Elaborate Solution for Digital Assets.

This is a fundamentally effective solution, with a strategic plan of managing and configuring all the available digital tools in a company. More over, it outlines or share the picture of the exact digital assets a company own, the purposes of each and their productivity. Further, it facilitates the decision that firms need when acquiring or maintaining some of these digital assets.
IT Associate
Service Management
IT Services

Beneficial and Outstanding Services for Digital Assets

Ivanti Neurons for ITAM is a certified and authentic approach for consolidating and configuring all the digital assets, and it provides information on their productivity and full cycle in terms of operations. More so, The exact image or work capacity of these digital assets is shown and shared by this program. The efficiency and consistency in productivity from the software is also a merit that the platform issues, and it increases the rationale in decision making." "The reduction in risks, where financial losses are mitigated and credible security threat prevention made is one of the likeable options. The offering of actionable and articulate information regarding the digital assets, where real time updates and automated discovery are made. The integration or the involvement of other advanced assets managing software, which gives it mobility and consistency.
IT Security and Risk Management Associate
Unified Endpoint Management
IT Services

Secure and Easy to Use Device Management Platform.

We use Ivanti Neurons for MDM across our entire organization to manage our devices. They're are over 300 devices across the world. It allows for a central management of iOS security and applications management and reporting of devices that have been compromised. It allows us to be more effective manage our Apple and Mac devices also including Android devices. This has saved us a lot of cost by effectively managing all the devices easily." "I like the easy management of our devices which includes Apple/Android devices. Offers a BYOD portals so that the end user can be able to bring their own devices and not compromise our network. Security management of devices to ensure they comply with security guidelines. Ability to separate business apps and personal apps on devices. Secure access. Eliminates passwords to limit security breaches.
Software Engineer
Service Management
IT Services

Resourceful and Updated Digital Assets Solution for Firms.

This is our accurate and updated inventory management solution for our digital assets in the firm, and it provides insightful overview or picture of the assets performance and possible results. Further, it consolidates and tracks all the activities or operations that these assets conducts and the benefits they bring in a company. Lastly, the interconnection with other certified inventory managing platforms including Google helps us offer a complete image of the assets available." "This is the affirmed source of truth on digital assets capacity and possible results from them. The articulate tracking of all the digital assets and their performance in the business, offering a real time report that helps in predictive analysis. The harmonizing and consolidation of all digital assets database, providing a concrete analytical response on each assets and what is required to be changed.
IT Services Associate
Service Management

The Insightful Solution for Digital Asset Management

This software brings a conclusive report of all the available digital assets in a business, where each asset is given the value it requires. Further, the efficiency of every digital asset is attained, where accurate picture or image of the potential of every asset is shared or recorded. The development of proper risk assessment systems, where identity management for security threat reduction is also included in a system." "The valuable report of every digital asset in a business is offered, and there is actionable information or insight in terms of assets performance. The inclusion or integration with other significant and intelligent service managing program, to deliver flawless and optimal results. The mobility of all these digital assets, where incident checks and remote updates are done while in any location.
Operations Associate
Service Management
IT Services

Progressive and Insightful Platform for Digital Assets.

This is our strategic, visible and intelligent digital asset controlling platform, that makes it practical to track and manage all the IT assets that a company have. The software brings efficiency in giving an accurate insight or picture of the available assets and their functional capacity, which helps in lowering the overspending of the financial resources. Further, the program focuses on risk reduction, where there is the introduction of threat detectors and identity control machine to ensure all company's assets are used efficiently. The software gives an insightful and manageable real time picture of the digital assets that a firm have, and this provides an automated reconciliation for business efficiency. More so, the software integrates with other functional services solutions that offers digital assets management, and they improve the proficiency of the hardware and software available. The management of these digital assets is done anywhere at no costs, as software has a remote
IT Services Associate
Service Management

Implementation is easy; very customizable

Overall, we've been very pleased with Ivanti Service Manager. We spent 6 months on building, testing, and training the administrators. Launch day was very smooth with few to little hiccups. The product has allowed us to run processes more efficiently via automating many standard requests. We've also slowly rolled out additional, custom built workspaces that are allowing us to further enhance the customer experience and provide a more efficient work environment for our staff.
Systems Analyst
Unified Endpoint Management
Media and Entertainment

Easy-to-use MDM for easy management of our devices.

Ivanti Neurons for MDM has been a terrific solution when it comes to our mobile device management system. It enables us to manage all our company-owned cell phones including tablet that we employees use everywhere. Managing our cell phones includes unlocking the phone, resetting the phone, and assigning the phone to our employees. Offer a BYOD portal which enables end-user bring in their own device and not compromising network." "Easy management of our Apple/Android devices. Security management of device to ensure they comply with security guidelines. It also helps us to secure our data on all our devices and provides apps to be downloaded on each device. This tool has enabled us to manage all our devices and have a better control of access, security, compliance, inventory and policies. I like the ability to separate business apps from personal apps on devices. Eliminates passwords to limit security breaches.
Customer Operations Service
Service Management

Discover and know your IT assets automatically

With Ivanti Neurons for Discovery, our employees can work from any location and any device.It ensures you get accurate asset information within the shortest period and also determines what employees and others users endpoints connect to. It helps in detecting unknown and new devices trying to join your network. It is a great product to have in your business." "I like how it provides all data accurately by discovering and issuing an inventory off all your IT assets in real time thus improving the security of your assets. I like the fact that it analyzes reports and dashboard enabling It to take actions on trends and issues thereby giving a complete insight It helps in identification of critical assets and probable risks to application and service availability resulting in increased uptime.
Marketing Associate
Service Management
IT Services

Recommendable and Proficient Approach for Digital Asset Management

This is the actionable and integrated solution for digital asset management, where all the records are kept, and real time report released on their performance efficiency. More so, the inventory data regarding the assets is automatically generated, after a comprehensive configuration with other digital asset controlling solutions. The speed that the software has in harmonizing all the digital asset data and giving the performance matrix is remarkable." "The tool gives us an insightful decision making process when purchasing assets, where it applies proper analytics in evaluating all the asset data options and their performance capacity. The evaluation of the risks associated with all assets is also done, and this ensure no unnecessary purchasing of unwanted assets. The software has security plugins, where all the vulnerability is controlled and informative actions taken.
Data Analyst
Service Management

Distinguished and Innovative Asset Managing App

With Ivanti Neurons for Discovery, we obtain the most effective and reliable information concerning the company's digital assets, and this helps use determine the performance of each. More so, the actionable data of the business hardware and software is kept in an inventory, and reconciliation is done using other third part options." "The software has the inventory details of the company's hardware and software, which helps in giving a real-time report on their performance. The tool increases the speed of harmonizing and aggregating the asset data details for clarity. The costs of investments are optimized and reduced, using the informed decisions made in matters assets purchasing and maintenance.
IT Services Associate
Service Management
Consumer Goods

Consistent and Diverse Digital Assets Inventory Control App

This tool is an approved and asserted option that helps manage all our IT assets inventory, where they are all connected to share results that are manageable. Besides, the Ivanti Neurons for Discovery provides us with a real time response or report of all individuals who are using these assets and the benefits they are obtaining from them. The last part is the multiple data connections, where various sources are verified, and practical scanning and endpoint done to bring satisfactory." "This software gives an instant visual of digital assets and their performance any time the user want to obtain them. Further, the asset optimization, where the truth of their performance is well identified and the facilitation required conducted. Lastly, the multi connected data sources or avenues, which helps us gain the right information in regards to business performance.
IT Services Associate
Service Management
Consumer Goods

A solid IT Asset Management Tool.

I find Ivanti Neurons for ITAM implementation and deployment process to be hassle free.Again,I can easily track and manage our IT assets lifecycle from purchase to disposal.Ivanti Neurons for ITAM user-friendly design and functionality makes it simple to understand,navigate and use." "It is a reliable tool for creating compelling assets data reports.Seamless integration with other Ivanti products like ITSM is another thing I like about this tool.I can easily track IT assets information with this product effectively.It keeps IT assets secure by eliminating security threats or incidents and risks.It reduces downtime and cost of managing IT assets.It is reliable with optimizing our IT assets management performance.
Senior Software Engineer
Service Management
Consumer Goods

A Comprehensive Asset Management Platform

Ivanti Neurons for ITAM is reliable as it streamlines and optimize our IT assets operations performance thus increasing productivity.Ivanti Neurons for ITAM also reduces IT assets operational costs and downtime.It it possible to make data-driven business decisions regarding our IT assets.It is fast to view and control the entire lifecycle of our IT assets. Ease to track and manage entire lifecycle of our IT assets performance is one of the best thing that I like most about Ivanti Neurons for ITAM.I like how Ivanti Neurons for ITAM keeps our IT assets secure thus minimizing security risks.It like how Ivanti Neurons for ITAM integrates with other Ivanti products like Ivanti Neurons for ITSM thus enabling efficient service management.It is enables ease of asset data repository hence ease to track asset data and information.It is simple to create custom IT data reports with this tool.
Project Coordinator
Service Management
Consumer Goods

Every year I appreciate more the right decision taken - to go with Ivanti.

Ivanti ITSM technology features and capabilities allow to adopt the most effective principles to enhance end-user experience, make end-users happy and increase effectiveness in the area, boos the productivity by letting use the right tool. Ivanti as well provides high level skilled resources, that organization can benefit and learn. All the life cycle path is supported by very committed and efficient Customer Success Management team. Customer voice is heard and respected - visible in the regular tool upgrades - this gives an impression the product development strategy is to cover users needs.
Director of IT Services
Service Management
IT Services

Effective source of Truth for Your IT Assets

This a single platform to have all your IT assets. It has vast capabilities in streamlining your network visibility as well as asset management. It provides you with options for both passive and active scans. Additionally, you have the liberty to assign specific endpoints to run scans on a given schedule which will ensure that all the devices you need are captured. I love how it automatically maps linkages between critical assets with applications and services that are dependent on the assets." "It results in higher productivity by reducing downtime caused by unplanned or planned outages. Helps one to discover and also inventory their IT assets in real time and this improves their security. Helps to have all your assets at one place which makes it easy to check their status and filter them.
IT Services Associate
Service Management

Sustainable and Automated Digital Assets Solution

The software has facilitated us in improving the efficiency of all the digital assets that we have. Besides, the program has a remote update and control of the company's assets, where they are tracked and their performance recorded. The lifecycle and the performance capabilities of all the assets is also something that the software helps us attain." "The program assists us in developing a digital asset catalogue, where the performance capacity of every commodity is identified and recorded. More so, the introduction of the barcode scanning option, where data and information concerning the software are attained is also a fruitful part of this platform. Lastly, the cloud base existence and automation is a sustainable form that we acquire from this software.
IT Services Associate
Service Management
IT Services

The Creative Digital Asset Managing Program

Through this platform, we consolidate and manage all the IT Assets, where obtain a clear insight or overview of the digital solutions that we have. Further, the decision making process is accurately managed, where there is controlled spending, and resource management. The reduction in business risks, where possible thefts or identity attacks is controlled is another incredible scope." "The software provides an insight that is candid and committed in regards to business digital assets. Further, managing these assets is made practical everywhere, where updates are made and reported insights are checked. The level of risks are well reduced, where digital assets are well tracked and absolute configuration made to validate every process.
ICT Director
Service Management

Sustainable and Digital Platform for Assets Control

This is our ideal platform that guides us on managing all our digital assets in fullness, and this brings more productivity. Further, the tool has all the procedures for risk management, where we have a blueprint of our digital assets insights. The tool integrates with other solutions that supports marketing and expense control, to embrace diversity and increase value." "The remote presence of this program makes it practical to manage assets despite any location. The tool brings efficiency, where resources are used efficiently and valuable time management enhanced. The capacity to eliminate the possibilities of risks, where all assets are well protected and identity management enhanced is another scope.
Marketing Associate
Service Management
Consumer Goods

Committed and Diverse Inventory Management for Digital Assets

This is our steadfast inventory management solution, that integrates with other software like Google, to manage and connect with all digital assets. Further, the tool gives us a real time visibility on our digital assets and it also automatically configure with our database. Lastly, the program has useful multi data support, that helps us import data and control it from a centralized location." "The solution gives us a real time insight on our digital assets, which increases value for every resource that we have in a company. Further, the platform helps in data sourcing, which accommodates multiple data source for clarity and accurate optimization. Finally, the program has proper risk identification, which controls all the potential risks and deploy actions that are articulate.
Data Analyst
Service Management
Consumer Goods

Productive Solution for Reliable Digital Assets Management

The software helps us in consolidating all the available digital data, with the purpose of managing them to bring productivity. The tool helps in bringing efficiency and transparency, and this controls the overspending habit in a company through accurate IT informed decisions. Finally, the software integrates with other management solutions, which helps track all the digital assets and bringing systems automation." "The cloud existence of this software is an incredible option for companies, and this makes it smooth for accessibility. The capacity to manage all the digital assets, and track them for productivity and cost of operations reduction. The integration with other managerial options and this gives is reliable and actionable asset image or assets.
Data Analyst
Service Management

Great platform for asset management

My overall experience with Ivanti Neurons has been really excellent so far. All our assets are easily configured and managed across platforms with the help of this software. The Asset manager dashboard is also visually appealing and very much informative and gives us lots of valuable insights." "One of the best things about Ivanti Neurons is the simplified and configurable implementation process. We can easily define our workflows. Also, the network discovery is very much straightforward. I also like the integration capabilities offered by Ivanti. The customer support is also of top quality.
Product Manager
Service Management
Industria manifatturiera

A Remarkable Tool that Secures and Manages Every IT Asset in Our Business

This product is so reliable. It has proved to be a faultless tool for securing and managing digital assets.
Group Project Manager
Unified Endpoint Management
IT Services

Ivanti Neurons for MDM: Cloud-based Mobile Device Management

Ivanti Neurons for MDM is a comprehensive MDM solution that can help organizations manage and secure their mobile devices, including smartphones, tablets, laptops, and desktops. It provides a unified platform for managing devices across different operating systems, such iOS, Android, macOS, ChromeOS, and Windows.
IT Security and Risk Management Associate
Service Management

Ivanti Neurons for ITAM Enhances Accuracy when Managing Digital Assets.

Ivanti Neurons for ITAM has made it easy for us to manage all our IT or digital assets. It has top-notch capabilities that enhances efficiency when tracking and managing our digital assets." "Managing and tracking digital assets using Ivanti Neurons for ITAM has always been a straightforward experience or process because all its features portrays simplicity. It is a modern and advanced system.
Communications Manager
Service Management
IT Services

Why Your Business Needs Ivanti Neurons for Discovery

With Ivanti Neurons for Discovery, we have been able to enhance security as we can detect unknown devices connecting to our network in real time. The scanning is fast and we get actionable insights that helps in bettering our security.
IT Manager
Service Management
IT Services

Manage and Track your IT assets effortlessly and Efficiently.

Ivanti Neurons for ITAM is excellent for managing, administering and controlling a firm's assets. Since we switched to this app, there has been steep reduction on our expenses besides an efficient control of costs which is used for resources. It has also helped greatly with incident management, requests and solving problems that arise due to misuse and mishandling of assets. The implementation of this app has seen our firm face efficient risk management and reduced inconveniences that happen when engaging with software audits.
IT Services Associate
Service Management
IT Services

The Determined Digital Assets Management Platform

This platform has made it efficient for our company to consolidate and manage all the digital assets we have, where we configure them to match the needs of the firm. More so, the program issues us a clear visibility of our digital assets, and we get the right ways to use them. Finally, the aspect of overspending is fully reduced by the software, where better decisions are made concerning the IT assets that we have." "The platform has reduced the financial risks in our company, where digital assets are fully managed and proper tracking is done. The establishment of an identity machine, which helps the company know the exact users of the digital assets is another working scope. Finally, the platform helps us integrate with other services, where it improves our customer services delivery and ensure remote content management.
Operations Associate
Service Management
IT Services

Concrete and Objective Digital Assets Management Program.

This solution helps us track and manage all the digital assets that our company have, and this saves on time and lower the production costs. More so, the software helps us in lowering the overspending in a company, where a company have the absolute picture of IT infrastructures. Finally, the software reduces risks significantly, where it have risk assessment procedures and helps companies deploy proper identity machines. " "The software is conscious of the importance of the digital assets, and they are all managed and tracked to maximize on productivity. Again, the software focus on reducing company risks, where threat assessments are done and financial risks evaluated to avoid losses. Finally, the deployment of identity machine helps companies manage all the assets perfectly.
Operations Associate
Service Management
IT Services

I Love the Capabilities of Ivanti Neurons for ITAM

Ivanti Neurons for ITAM has a brilliant customer support department that are customer centrist. They ensure we get whatever we get when using Ivanti, making our experiences good.
Software Development Manager
Service Management

Ivanti Neurons for ITAM: A Powerful and Smooth to Use Asset Management Software

We have smooth experiences when using Ivanti Neurons for ITAM because it portrays accuracy when managing and tracks apps and other digital assets. It ensures that our apps are safe from threats.
Design Manager
Service Management
IT Services

Advance Capabilities, Where Excellent Meets Innovation

I had truly exceptional experience with Ivanti Neurons for ITAM. It offers excellent services. Unmatchable capabilities. Advance features, improve system efficiency.
Cloud Security Specialist
Service Management
Industria manifatturiera

A Phenomenal Tool for Managing Our IT Assets in Real Time

For IT asset management, we do not hesitate to choose Ivanti Neurons for Discovery because it is not only secure but also performs amazingly good.
Design Manager
Service Management

Ivanti Neurons for Discovery Has Been a Resourceful IT Assets Management Tool

The sensational experience we have with Ivanti Neurons for Discovery is due to its super effective performance. It is the most reliable solution for IT assets management and managing tasks.
Communications Manager
Service Management

Great asset discovery platform

My overall working experience with Ivanti neurons for discovery has been exceptional and amazing so far. The ability to accurately receive actionable asset information is very much beneficial for us. Also, the overall user interface and layout of the platform is very much simplistic and innovative." "One thing that I like very much with Ivanti is the Edge intelligence dashboards and the AI assisted insight dashboards. We get very much actionable information which saves a lot of time and resources for us
PIM and Digital Transformation Consultant
Unified Endpoint Management
Servizi finanziari

Ivanti Neurons for Digital Experience Review

Ivanti's support is by far one of the best I've ever dealt with. On the rare occasion when I cannot find a solution in their vast online knowledgebase, I know that I can call them and the fix is resolved within an hour. They're technical resources are extremely knowledgeable.
Desktop Solutions Services Lead
Service Management
IT Services

Service Management at its finest

The product is easy to understand and easy to administer. There are integrations with other tools natively which helps us to be able to pull in other content such as knowledge and assets. Implementation was smooth and was pretty seamless. Working with the support team on a few occasions was easy and pretty streamlined via the online portal.
Director, Professional Services
Service Management
Servizi finanziari

Fantastic product that is well supported

Ivanti products are absolutely fantastic we have a large number across the business and they fundamentally change how we support/manage and protect the users on site and remotely, the support is also incredible.
IT Manager
Service Management
IT Services

Good robust product with spectacular functions and easy to use

It is a great platform that does help with requests and incidents and the system is excellent because we can manage the routine of our department and integrate a large amount of workflow.
Graphic, User Interface Designer
Service Management

A Must-Have Solution that Improves the Visibility of Our IT assets

The experience with Ivanti Neurons for Discovery is incredible because the asset information we get when using it is accurate and actionable. It makes our IT assets valuable and resourceful.
Director of Product Marketing
Service Management

Ivanti Neurons for Discovery's Consistency Makes It a Dependable Tool

We use Ivanti Neurons for Discovery to automate all the essential tasks that aids in tracking and managing IT assets. The interface is great or friendly and the experience is awesome." "Ivanti Neurons for Discovery is amazing and resourceful because it delivers accurate and quality results. The customer experience is amazing. The features and capabilities are effective and flawless. It exceeds our expectations because the features are accurate.
Communications Manager
Service Management

A Great IT Management Tool that Drives Efficiency, Revenue Growth and Innovation

Ivanti Neurons for ITAM has been a great tool that has allowed us to achieve many things, including the management and optimization of IT assets. It is also a great experience to track our IT assets using Ivanti Neurons for ITAM.
Communications Manager
Service Management

We Manage and Optimize Our IT Assets so Efficiently Using Ivanti Neurons for ITAM

Ivanti Neurons for ITAM has been a wonderful tool that has been maximizing the efficiency of all our fundamental IT assets and this experience has been sensational. It resolves issues with our IT assets and allow them to maximize their potential." "Streamlining the efficiency of our IT assets using Ivanti Neurons for ITAM has always been an easy task. The friendliness of the support team of Ivanti Neurons for ITAM also make things smooth for us.
Director of Product Marketing
Service Management
IT Services

An effective tool for IT asset management optimization

Consolidation of IT assets through tracking, configuration and optimization helps in management and follow up of each and every IT asset in the organization. -Reduces downtime as you can get a great picture of the IT environment hence increasing productivity and enhanced the decision making process. -Financial risks and security threats are neutralized through reduction of asset theft and identification of devices at risk hence full utilization of all assets in the organization. -Enables integration with service management software for up to date asset information and improved service delivery." "Management of IT assets through the entire life cycle requires a great application and Ivanti Neurons For ITAM is truly exceptional.
IT Services Associate
Service Management

Customizing and Optimizing IT Assets the Easy Way With Ivanti Neurons for ITAM

My experience has been great and with this product allows customization and optimization of our IT Assets. It also makes it easy to configure and track IT Assets for optimal results.
Director of Marketing
Service Management

Service and asset management at its best.

Devices discovery in real time in any network setup is exceptional with no need of spreadsheet usage.
IT Security and Risk Management Associate
Unified Endpoint Management
IT Services

Ivanti Neuros for MDM review

This has unified endpoint management, It has good security & Compliance, Automation and self-service. It is good scalable solution to handle large deployments.
Senior Network Associate
Service Management
IT Services

Find it all and store it in one place!

The ease of configuration was fantastic. The ability to customize the scans for specific IPs or subnets was nice. The accuracy of the scan data. The amount of devices that it found over a short period of time. Scheduling the scans to run at various times as not to impact the daily operations.
Director, Professional Services
Unified Endpoint Management
IT Services

Ivanti Neurons for MDM review

you can do your research and study different vendors who offer mobile device management solutions, but you certainly wont find a lot of products who do justice to the principles of the main functions of the solution, hopefully my review will be useful to those who which to deploy Ivanti Neurons for MDM, or want to make a comparison.
Pre-sales engineer
Service Management
IT Services

Elevating IT Asset Management with Intuitive Design and Strategy Cost Savings Insight

Ivanti Neurons for ITAM offers user-friendly interface. It advance features helps to reduce the burden by work automatically, deducting threats and creating report. Ivanti drives you toward revenue growth by improving the decision making of cost spending.
Cyber Security Engineer
Unified Endpoint Management
IT Services

Safeguarding Endpoints with Ivanti Neurons UEM solutions

Ivanti Neurons is an amazing monitoring and reporting suite on the status of the performance of endpoints. It automates workflows and streamlines daily routine tasks smoothly. Overall, Ivanti has been an impressive platform.
Chief Legal Officer
Unified Endpoint Management

A comprehensive solution for Endpoint management

Experience with Ivanti Neurons was so good and positive as they uses a user centric approach that provides a seamless experience to its end users.
Associate Recruiter
Source: Gartner™
Unified Endpoint Management

Ivanti Neurons for Unified Endpoint Management daily usage review

It is like a centralized platform which helps in managing various endpoints which makes the overall process very smooth and efficient to control and oversee everything from one point.
Sr. Executive
Source: Gartner™
Unified Endpoint Management
Industria manifatturiera

Great product for mobile device management

I have ran into no issues administering this product. Unlike previous products used, this is easily understandable and user friendly.
Sr. Systems Admin
Source: Gartner™
Unified Endpoint Management
IT Services

Enhanced Mobile Security and Management with Ivanti

Ivanti Neurons for MDM has been a magnificent experience overall. It has streamlined enrollment and provision of mobile devices for our organization.
Source: Gartner™
Service Management
IT Services

Automate your security

It has been an amazing experience with Ivanti Neurons for ITAM. Ivanti offers a range of analytics and reporting tools to help us gather insights and make informed decisions. What's even more convenient is that it smoothly integrates, enhancing overall compatibility and efficiency.
Computer Systems Analyst
Source: Gartner™
Unified Endpoint Management

The best UEM out there when tied to zero sign-on.

Setup was easy, continued support is easily tied into zero trust from Ivanti as well. Built in certificate authority is great.
Systems Engineer
Source: Gartner™
Service Management
Pubblica Amministrazione

Very impressed with the Neurons Cloud world!

The ability and familiarity to add objects and new elements in an evolving business has the greatest potential for usage that I've seen across cloud platforms. The interface and tie back to Asset management is amazing.
IT Associate
Source: Gartner™
Unified Endpoint Management

Ivanti is a good choice

The implementation went smoothly. I am satisfied with the performance of the product. I like the simple and intuitive operation of the system.
IT Manager
Source: Gartner™
Service Management
IT Services

Ivanti Neurons's Autonomous Issue Resolution and Advance AI Asset Management

Ivanti Neurons for ITAM has been a great experience for me. Ever since incorporating Ivanti Neurons for IT Assets Management into our operation, our asset management experience has been exceptionally seamless. Ivanti not only provides a plethora of robust analytics and reporting tool but also seamlessly integrates with our existing framework, significantly simplifying the task of overseeing and monitoring our assets.
Digital Project Manager
Source: Gartner™
Unified Endpoint Management

Migration from MI Core was simple. Feature parity between the two is not 100%.

Customer service is prompt for most things. There have been some slowness issues with the console from time to time. When those occur there is usually a notice and fix in place very quickly. MacOS management is coming up to speed automation wise, iOS is pretty solid, as well as Android.
Desktop Engineer
Source: Gartner™
Service Management
IT Services

Delivers everything you'd expect and a bit more

Ivanti on the whole have been really easy to work with - all of their staff are super knowledgeable and easy to work with. The product is very configurable and easy to set up, understand and use. There have been some slip ups as with any product and project, but the whole experience has been smooth. The product works exactly as you'd expect but if you are willing to give the discovery agents some extra permissions, there is a lot of data that can be discovered and pulled down to give the scans an extra level of depth.
EUC Technology Engineer
Source: Gartner™
Unified Endpoint Management
IT Services

Robuse and versatile solution that addresses the complex challenges of mobile device

MDM is a comprehensive solution for managing and securing mobile devices and endpoints. It's well-suited for that required advance features and integration capabilities to ensure the security and efficiency of our mobile device fleet. Simplified onboarding and provisioning of devices to the network. This tool are ability to remotely configure, manage, and troubleshoot devices. Enables to efficiently manage and secure our mobile device fleet, whether of corporate-owned devices scenarios.
Senior Quality Engineer
Source: Gartner™
Unified Endpoint Management

Ivanti Neurons for MDM is a powerful and comprehensive MDM solution

I am currently using Ivanti Neurons for MDM in my organization. It's a cloud based mobile device management system that provides a variety of features of capabilities managing and securing mobile devices. I find it easy to use and deploy.
Data Analyst
Source: Gartner™
Service Management
Servizi finanziari

Great product with a lot of potential

Pretty good experience with Neurons, it shows a lot of info. It is easy to use, has a lot of potential and lots of support.
System Administrator
Source: Gartner™
Unified Endpoint Management
Industria manifatturiera

User friendly product with even better customer support

Great service from the support team. Product is very easy to use for both the users and administrators. Security patches are also released early on and communicated to the administrators.
Team Lead
Source: Gartner™
Service Management
Servizi finanziari

A Guide to Ivanti Neurons ITAM Solutions.

Ivanti Neurons for ITAM provide us a great user interface as it is easy to use and navigate. This helped to streamline our workflow therefore, encouraging positive outcomes. This platform provide me a great experience and enhace my skills. I appreciate this platform for it's features and functionalities.
User Experience Designer
Source: Gartner™
Unified Endpoint Management
IT Services

Best solution for Unified Endpoint Management

This product provides total visibility across all our endpoints and also comes in handy when it comes to securing and healing devices thanks to the AI powered automation. It has been an amazing experience.
Sales Support Coordinator
Source: Gartner™
Exposure Management
Servizi finanziari

Excellent Product

Ivanti will reduce my manual patching tasks and it will be automated with the Ivanti PMC.
Manager IT SysOps
Source: Gartner™
Service Management
Servizi finanziari

Unswerving and unsurpassable IT Asset Management Tool.

It is simple to to track and manage the entire lifecycle of our IT assets in real-time with Ivanti Neurons For ITAM. It is possible to have a good picture of our IT assets thus allowing me to make better decisions. It improves operational efficiency of our IT assets.
Research Section Head
Source: Gartner™
Service Management
IT Services

My remarkable experience with Ivanti Neurons for ITAM.

It is simple to implement and get started quickly with Ivanti Neurons for ITAM.It enables me to get full visibility of our IT assets. It ensures that our IT assets are used appropriately.
Director of IT
Source: Gartner™
Unified Endpoint Management

Pro-activity and real-time insights

We hold a business relationship with Ivanti since 10+ years and they have showed excellent support on their products, same with helping to configure their products for our maximum usage.
Director, Modern Workspace Services
Unified Endpoint Management
IT Services

Great company with great products

I've worked hand in hand with this company for almost 12 years. The products they produce get better and better and they continually deliver superior results. The people are easy to talk with at support and are knowledgeable about what they are supporting.
Director, Professional Services
Service Management
Pubblica Amministrazione

Ivanti ITSM: Leader in Service and Innovation

I have worked with the Ivanti company for 20 years and nothing but great service all around.
System Administrator
Service Management

Neurons for ITSM

Great product for our organization. Ivanti Support is always glad to help in case of any questions or remarks. Remarkable service.
IT Associate
Unified Endpoint Management

The Ultimate Ally in Mastering Device Dynamics

Since I started using it, Ivanti Neurons for MDM has brought a fresh perspective to the realm of HR tasks involving mobile devices. The system has the capability to dynamically adjust security protocols based on an employee's location. This feature is very crucial as we shift to remote work. This proactive adaptability from Ivanti is just Incredible.
Service Management

IT Service management Redefined

My experience with Ivanti Neurons for ITSM has been incredible for several reasons but the main one is its ability to understand context and intent. It sends alerts of incidences based on severity among other factors so your inbox is not flooded for nothing. My great experience has also been attributed by its intelligent context driven decision making that goes beyond mere rule based automation.
Data Analyst
Unified Endpoint Management

Provides Control and Simplicity

Over the past year and a half, Ivanti Neurons for MDM has become an indispensable addition to my stack. Unlike its competitors that often focus on isolated functionalities, Neurons seamlessly integrates all the vital stacks; from software deployment to security enforcements. For instance, when a critical security patch needs deployment across our hundreds of hospital workstations, Neurons not only ensures swift distribution but also verifies successful installation.
Programmer Analyst
Service Management

My experience with Ivanti Neurons For Discovery

In my role as an IT Analyst, I have found myself facing a labyrinth of IT Assets in need of management. It was how I discovered Ivanti for Discovery and have never looked back ever since. It has been transformative to my work by simplifying my tasks and elevates the efficiency of our entire IT department. It has a unique way of blending simplicity and depth. Ivanti is also remarkable in network scans, hardware recognition and real time insights.
IT Analyst
Service Management

Ivanti Neurons for ITAM IT Assets Tracking

Ivanti Neurons for ITAM helps to provide insight and tools to effectively manage organization's IT assets costs and optimize their spending.
IT Associate
Service Management
IT Services

Great tool, good support

This product helps me a lot, especially with the inventory management and also with other automation tasks.
Systems Engineer
Service Management
IT Services

Amazing Experience With The Best ITAM System

Our organization needed a tool that could be able to customize workflows and track assets, Ivanti Neurons for ITAM came through for us. We have been able to use it for application deployment. Ivanti Neurons for ITAM has a very amazing integration capabilities, it has been easier to blend it with our software.
Manager of IT Services
Service Management

My Ivanti's Itam expedition

Before we had Ivanti Neurons for Itam, we would spend hours gearing up for a surprise audit. Usually this would mean endless spreadsheets and manual crosschecks. But with Neurons, it waved its AI hand and conjured up detailed reports of software installations across our sprawling network among other reports. This Ivanti magic has not only saved us time but kept our stress levels in check.
Data Analyst

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