Identify vulnerabilities in your network and applications to reduce risk and exposure with dedicated security researchers and exploit writers.

Penetration Testing
Validate your organisation’s cyberattack susceptibility and likely attack paths through comprehensive, expert penetration testing.
Expose cyberrisk layer by layer
Reduce risk and gain cyber resiliency
To help your organisation improve your cybersecurity posture, our fully managed penetration testing service delivers:
- Visibility into the vulnerabilities that are most likely to be used by cyberadversaries to infiltrate your organisation’s technology, apps and data
- Determination if post-exploitation techniques could be used to launch a successful lateral attack across your organisation
- Prioritisation of attack surface vulnerabilities
- Remediation recommendations needed to reduce overall cyberrisk exposure

Access results and findings immediately
Ivanti Neurons for Risk-Based Vulnerability Management (RBVM) and Ivanti Neurons for App Security Orchestration & Correlation (ASOC) deliver ongoing results and findings to you as your penetration testing progresses.
This continuous communication allows you to begin remediation activities immediately, so you can close cybercriminals’ window of threat opportunity without waiting for a final report.
Full access to Ivanti Neurons for RBVM and Ivanti Neurons for ASOC – standard with penetration testing services – enables you to leverage Ivanti’s proprietary vulnerability and asset risk scoring, persona-based dashboard views and a wide range of other features to aid in your remediation efforts.

Leverage industry-leading expertise
The industry’s best security researchers and exploit writers will conduct your penetration testing. All members of the team have years of experience in defending critical networks against the world’s most dangerous cyberadversaries. The team also actively contributes to the security testing and research community.
Through the penetration testing service, this expert team identifies infiltration vectors up through potential lateral attacks, going beyond known exploits to cover your attack surface at all layers.
Available daily touchpoint meetings and ad hoc discussions of current findings guarantee you receive direct access to these experts to discuss results and findings.

Get started with penetration testing
Enlist the help of experts to validate your attack surface and improve your security posture.