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Post Isolation Asset Auditing - how to manage the asset lifecycle

19 May 2020

We’ve heard from a number of customers that in the lead up to isolation there was a huge increase in staff requests for laptops and peripheral devices they could take home to enable them to continue to be productive. Given the urgency tracking these assets that were sent offsite was all done in excel. Stephen Peatling of Victoria University joins us to give us a first-hand account of how the university managed the work from home transition.

When some sense of ‘normal’ resumes, how are you planning on getting all the devices returned? What about those new assets that employees needed to purchase while in isolation.

In this webinar we are going to discuss how Victoria University plans to adjust to the “new normal” and how Ivanti is helping: 

  • Reconcile and normalise multiple data sources (eg Excel, SCCM, Ivanti Discovery)

  • Facilitate an audit process to validate the status of assets assigned to the employee

  • Ensure the returned assets and any new assets are tagged, secured and fully patched 

Lay the foundation for managing the lifecycle of all assets to meet the current and future challenges.

Ross Carins
Lead Account Technology Strategist
Gary Wang
Senior Sales Engineer
Stephen Peatling
Manager, IT Customer Engagement
Victoria University