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Find what’s hidden before it hurts.With Discovery.

Tech Confessions - Ancient Artifacts
Tech Confessions - Auction Addiction
Tech Confessions - Wait, There's More!
Tech Confessions - Digital Gold Diggers

Expose every hidden asset on your network.

It’s shocking: When one IT team started using Ivanti Neurons for Discovery, they uncovered 30% more assets than they realised they had! Imagine the risks from so many hidden assets. That’s why you need Discovery: so you can get accurate, real-time visibility into your entire IT estate in minutes.

Optimising IT resources, cutting costs, strengthening your organisation’s security posture and boosting productivity
- it all starts with Discovery!

Drive efficiency

Optimise your costs and resources

Get instant insights into how IT assets are used, identify unused software and unsupported assets. Leverage these details to expose unnecessary software costs, reclaim licences and optimise overhead - without ever touching a spreadsheet.

Learn how to make IT operations more efficient with Discovery.
expand it visibility horizon
To be able to pull this detail from one system moving forward will help our department be much more transparent to our customers AND make it easier for them to request assets. Overall, our goal is to minimize both losses and inefficient processes.

Identify risks

Minimise risks and ensure compliance with ease of automation

Ensure that all your IT assets are accounted for, reported on, monitored and patched. With complete asset visibility and automated risk monitoring, you can spot and respond to risk vectors faster and make ghost assets a thing of the past.

See why Discovery is key to vulnerability management.
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48% icon
of security professionals say they have low or moderate visibility into all assets on their network.

Access actionable insights

Prove you’re in control with real‑time reporting at your fingertips

Access accurate reporting on your IT estate in one place that aggregates, normalises, reconciles and deduplicates data from multiple sources. Enable smarter decision-making and break-down data silos.

Find out how to streamline reporting with Discovery.
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32% icon
of IT professionals still use spreadsheets to track their devices.

Everything starts with Discovery

Learn how to avoid shocks and surprises by improving how you monitor, manage and secure your IT estate.

Optimize Service and Asset Management
Improve Endpoint Security & Patching
Enhance Digital Employee Experiences
Isn’t it time you saw everything? Start with Discovery.

Experience the control and peace of mind that comes with real-time asset visibility. You'll have nothing to confess, with Discovery.