Thank You for Joining Shavlik at VMworld 2014
Last week I was in San Francisco for VMworld 2014. We had a great week and a lot of traffic in our booth. We had over 1500 people stop by the booth between Sunday and Wednesday. We crammed crowds of VMworlders into the booth for live demonstrations of Shavlik Protect 9.1 (Ryan from our SE team lining up another crowd for a demo and Becky loading up more snap bracelets to give away). We slapped a couple thousand blue Shavlik snap bracelets (which are also a stylus) on the people who stopped by and a few drive by's who didn't stop to talk.
We also had hundreds of Shavlik users stop by the booth as well. I think I met a couple dozen long time users who remember HFNetChk. That dated them pretty much all the way back to the beginning of Shavlik and the original command line assessment tool based on the original MBSA. It was great talking with you all and hearing the things you liked and those things you would like to see improve in the product. Keep that feedback coming as that is how we ensure the product does what you want.
Make sure to catch us in April at RSA. If you do you can join us for snap bracelet target practice. Below is Kate from our Field Marketing team loading up with snap bracelets between demos.