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QRurb Your Enthusiasm: QR Code Security Report

Why the QR code remains a top security threat and what you can do about it

In 2020, Ivanti surveyed consumers around the world to get better insight into QR code adoption. Our 2021 survey updates those findings and uncovers some interesting trends, which include:

  • QR code usage is increasing but the knowledge of what they can do lags far behind.
  • QR code use cases have expanded and now extend to personal business such as financial transactions and healthcare access.
  • These two trends — expanded QR code use and lack of user awareness — may potentially put both consumers and organizations at greater risk of data breaches.

Download the latest report to get more insight into our QR code security forecast for 2021. Learn how QR code adoption — and the mobile threat landscape — is evolving around the world and potentially putting personal and business data at risk.

Most importantly, find out how IT organizations can respond to these security threats by improving consumer awareness and adopting a zero trust mobile security platform to protect against a new wave of cyberattacks.

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