Get a free live demo of Ivanti Neurons for GRC

Find out what drama-free GRC looks like

Why invest heavily in technologies to detect and prevent cyber-threats only to persist in managing corporate governance, compliance regulations and contractual obligations with manual spreadsheets? Such an inefficient approach could expose your enterprise to a range of risks and costs.

Ivanti® Neurons for GRC enables you to realize more efficient cybersecurity spend that aligns to your governance and compliance needs. The solution offers a codeless platform of flexible workflows, drag-and-drop features, real-time reporting and more. With this platform you can:

  • Automate and integrate your compliance efforts into a single system
  • Centralize regulatory documentation
  • Map citations to security and compliance controls quickly and easily
  • Align regulatory requirements with best-practice security frameworks
  • Eliminate duplication and improve visibility into governance status
  • Manage risk proactively to minimize chances of security breaches, attacks and data theft

Learn more. Request a demo today.

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