Les webinars Patch Tuesday

Le Patch Tuesday de Microsoft a lieu le deuxième mardi de chaque mois. Nous vous invitons à nous rejoindre le jeudi qui suit le Patch Tuesday, pour un récapitulatif des correctifs de sécurité Microsoft et des applications tierces, qui ont été publiés lors du Patch Tuesday.

Nous discuterons notamment des éléments à surveiller, des produits à tester correctement et des correctifs à appliquer en priorité.

Patch Tuesday

Prochaine session:
29 mai 2024
UEM and Security Are Converging: Now What?

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Now what? It's a critical question as you strive to integrate your UEM and Security workflow to address growing cyberthreats.

In this webinar, our panel of endpoint management experts will supply answers on UEM and Security convergence – and best practices for managing it.

You’ll glean insights to help you get over the hump between strategy and execution. And you'll discover practical first steps for setting up a stronger, more holistic endpoint management practice that addresses the needs of both your IT and Security teams. 

You’ll learn:

  • What the latest research reveals about the convergence of UEM and Security.

  • Use cases you can put into practice.

  • Practical considerations for consolidating endpoint management and endpoint security tools.    

  • Real-life stories from IT and Security leaders living through this transformation. 

As of April 1, 2024, all Ivanti operations in your region will be assumed by IVM EME. For sales questions please visit https://www.ivmeme.com

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