FrontRange Introduces Latest Release of HEAT Help Desk Solution

HEAT 9.6 Release Delivers Major Enhancements Including Mobile Field Support and a Web-Based Managers Monitor

28 janvier 2013 — MILPITAS, CA —

HEAT 9.6 Release Delivers Major Enhancements Including Mobile Field Support and a Web-Based Managers Monitor

FrontRange, a leading provider of hybrid IT service management (ITSM) solutions, today announced the latest release of its HEAT Help Desk solution that delivers flexible customer service and support for IT help desks, support centers and call centers. HEAT Help Desk 9.6 contains two major enhancements: Mobile Field Service and web-based Managers Monitor.

“Field service reps need access to ITSM applications from wherever they are at whatever time a support issue arises,” said Dennis Callaghan, senior enterprise software analyst at 451Research. “Delivering this anytime, anywhere help desk access to end users can quickly and efficiently reduce mean time to resolution. FrontRange remains an innovative player in the IT service management market, with products that meet market needs and match the latest end user trends.”

HEAT Mobile Field Service

HEAT Mobile Field Service provides a powerful mobile interface for iPhone and iPad devices, offering access to relevant assignments, assets, incidents, customer data and data-logging functionality. This provides agents in the field complete service desk functionality resulting in streamlined workflows and faster reported time to resolution. With the immediate access to the information, service agents become more agile and can respond to inquiries faster. HEAT Mobile Field Service also supports instant data logging which means service calls are logged as they occur. Consequently, incident reports are more accurate and complete, providing support personnel credit for every service call they close.

Faster service delivery is another benefit of HEAT Mobile Field Service. Because service calls start sooner, incidents are resolved faster allowing support teams to meet the most aggressive service expectations and service level agreements.

HEAT Managers Monitor

HEAT Mangers Monitor is a web-based dashboard reporting tool that delivers at-a-glance insights into the health and performance of the service desk. This new functionality provides managers and executives with anytime, anywhere access to role-based, specific information, using a multitude of browsers. The interactive, threshold-based dashboards also allow managers to monitor performance indicators as well as perform basic analytical tasks by drilling down into the underlying HEAT data. The simple drag and drop user interface for customizing and creating dashboards also allows end users to quickly construct their own reports.

“FrontRange is committed to continuing to deliver world-class help desk solutions to our customers and prospects as well as providing them with a seamless migration up the service management Maturity Curve,” said Udo Waibel, chief technology officer at FrontRange. “We are excited to deliver the most advanced solutions to the market and provide our customers with the solutions needed to stay on top of current trends and market standards. Mobile Field Service allows technicians to take the office with them wherever they go transforming the IT service delivery model,”

HEAT Help Desk 9.6 is now generally available. For more information visit

About FrontRange

FrontRange is the global leader in Hybrid IT Service Management (ITSM) solutions for organizations of all sizes. With its suite of HEAT applications, FrontRange is the only ITSM provider in the world that delivers Service Management software with fully integrated Voice Automation and Client Management capabilities on-premise and in the cloud. HEAT manages millions of service interactions a day for more than 15,000 leading organizations around the world. HEAT enables customers to deliver world-class service while maximizing operational efficiencies with reduced cost and complexity. FrontRange is headquartered in Milpitas, Calif. and can be found at


Contacts presse

Helen Carroll

+44 1344 407005
[email protected]