The onslaught of malware and ransomware has driven even organisations in minimally regulated industries to remove admin rights from all users. However, while locking down desktops reduces risk, it also significantly reduces end user experience quality. Users hampered by poor experiences produce less and call the help desk more. Those users can also react to system lockdowns by turning to ‘shadow IT’ work-arounds, creating new security risks.

Control admin rights
"What is admin rights removal?"
For users with access to the exact capabilities and apps they need to do their jobs, admin rights removal isn’t an issue—if they even notice.
Trust, But Verify
A Painless Whitelisting Alternative
Know Who’s Compliant—and Not
Block What’s Untrusted
Enforce Security Policy Based on Context
Make it Personal
Give users what they need while protecting endpoints
Balance administrative rights control and user productivity demands, and users will thank you.
User-First Least Privilege
Apply precise user privilege levels with no negative impact on user workflow. Allow optional self-elevation based on pre-defined algorithms and capture the endpoint data needed to analyze how policies align with real-world business needs.
Manageable Application Control
Mitigate threats without manually managing extensive whitelists and blacklists and without creating user productivity obstacles. Trusted Ownership™ allows only applications introduced by trusted administrators to execute, so ransomware won’t run.
Address Advanced Enterprise Use Cases
Cover most eventualities with application limits and time restrictions. Restrict access to network resources. Invoke contextual URL redirection, granular control over web application installation, anti-tampering, and change control. Support comprehensive auditing.
With a Personalized Desktop, Users Don’t Miss Having Admin Rights
Capture all user-specific operating system and application customizations. Maintain customizations centrally to deliver a consistent, personalized desktop on demand.
Fine-Grained, Contextual Policy Control
Meet corporate and industry-based compliance mandates such as HIPAA, FINRA, and PCI by enforcing policy in real time during the user session, not just at logon. To optimize the user experience, multiple policies are processed in parallel.
Protect Endpoints Through Better Visibility
Spot suspicious endpoint behaviors, such as unknown processes starting at logon. Know exactly who has admin rights, and see user self-elevation trends. Identify suspicious files introduced to any endpoint.
How Ivanti can help
Solutions from Ivanti allow IT to remove administrative rights, protect endpoints, report on risky behaviour, and enable regulatory compliance without degrading the user experience. Users who have the applications, personalization, and privileges they need to do their jobs don’t feel deprived—they feel empowered.