Many, many years ago I briefly taught in an undergraduate chemistry laboratory (mainly marking scripts and samples, as well as extinguishing the occasional fire). I noticed that although students could achieve a reasonable grade by just following the text they were given and answering, “it turned blue” (or whatever), the really good students who got the best results took the time to understand how and why it turned blue. They could report not just on what was happening, but on what was driving the change. They came to understand what differences apparently small changes in their actions would have. These students excelled.

The same is true when it comes to using Ivanti Neurons for Spend Intelligence. You can get results just by looking at the pretty charts that are provided, but you can get much better results if you put in a bit of effort to understand what you are being shown. Then you will excel in managing software spend and optimizing your software estate.

While software asset management can be complicated, at Ivanti we make the case that it doesn’t have to be. Some organizations have an entire department of highly skilled people looking after their software assets, whereas others have only one over-worked individual who is feeling a little bit daunted and is desperately trying to keep on top of things while also dealing with their real job. They probably wish they’d not walked past the boss’s office at the precise moment that the cost of software licenses was being considered.

We offer a different approach. Ivanti Neurons for Spend Intelligence gives you the tools you need to get on top of your software asset management challenges and to save your organization money. You don’t have to determine your Effective License Position, with the immense effort that entails, to reap great benefits from software asset management. Just let Ivanti Neurons discover your software estate, then create a connector to your SaaS SSO, and import your license transaction spreadsheets to open up a treasure trove of information that can revolutionize your understanding of your IT estate.

spend intelligence oct blog

And here’s where the comparison to the chemistry students comes in. You can get a lot of basic information from just taking a quick look at the pretty charts, which puts you on a par with the students who could report back that “it turned blue.” But by spending some time understanding what Ivanti Neurons for Spend Intelligence is doing and why it is doing it, you’ll begin to see the underlying drivers of change, and get a better understanding of how small changes can make a big difference. Like my students who excelled in chemistry, you can excel in managing your software estate.

To support you in your journey to excellence, we provide not only a powerful and intuitive set of tools via Ivanti Neurons for Spend Intelligence, but we’re also committed to providing a range of learning materials to help you to excel. Check out this new series of step-by-step learning videos, covering a range of topics designed to sharpen your expertise in managing your software assets and hone your understanding of their impact on the business.

Plus we provide additional help to get you deeper into the why as well as the how, along with formal learning and certification resources to provide an even more complete picture.

Are you ready to excel? We’re here to help.

Excelling at software asset management