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How to Deploy Voice Picking Solutions in 30 Days: Accompanied ROI within 3 months

18 August 2020

We are in a time where businesses have changed dramatically with pandemic. For some people it means reduction in workforce while still having to maintain high standards and get the products out the door and for others it’s an increase in workload. Either way, that is why now more than ever is a good time to look at adapting voice and better position yourself to be able to handle the unexpected. But picking a voice-enabled solution is an important step when going down the path towards implementing voice in your warehouse when the goal is to deploy faster and see a quick return.  This webinar will guide you through how you can implement voice picking solution within 30 days. 

Discussion Points:

  • Challenges when using traditional voice or other voice applications
  • Speed operations, increase safety, and save costs with keeping your existing WMS
  • Configure and deploy voice in less than 15 minutes with Rapid Voice
  • Case study – learn how we rapidly deployed voice in less than 30 days for a world known customer
  • Questions and Answers
Greg Berger
Wavelink Channel Partner Manager
Scott Skelton
Wavelink- Senior Territory Manager